GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) — About 150 Montana Army National Guard troops have left Great Falls for their final training before being deployed for a year in Iraq.
The Great Falls Tribune reports that soldiers with the 1-163rd Combined Arms Battalion spent about 90 minutes saying goodbye to family and friends before dawn Monday and then flew out for six weeks of training at Camp Shelby, Miss.
Brig. Gen. Stan Putnam, commander of the Montana Army National Guard, says the troops will be driving armored and machine-gun mounted Humvees and MRAP trucks, providing security within Iraq for moving convoys.
I am so glad I was able to spend a little time with him before he left.
And he was able to meet Reagan too!
I must admit some apprehension towards this deployment. Since our King President Obama "deemed the war in Iraq" over, this just puts our troops more in harms way. It essentially gives the green light to Islamic extremists, suicide bombers and the like to "go crazy" on the infidels. The base that my brother will be located in is nearly on the Kuwait border, but in the article listed above, Paul is the only person exposed in those "armored and machine-gun mounted Humvees and MRAP trucks" as they escort convoys from one destination to the next. His last deployment, he didn't have to use his weapon once. I'm praying for the same outcome this time around. I hope I am wrong about the green light thing, and perhaps security hasn't changed much since his last deployment. I will tell you that I know no matter what, God is in control. His plan for Paul, every service man/woman, for me, for you, is one of hope. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11.
Please continue to pray daily for Paul and all our men/women in uniform. And thank you to everyone of your kind wishes on Paul's behalf. He is a hero, even if he's my little (sometimes annoying) brother! Love you Paul!