Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 2 follow up and a correction

What a game on Monday night (which left me a little sad at the end), but first I erred the other day and need to fix it. In my last post, I thought the KULR 8 website was wrong in quoting the AP story of the 163 deploying out of Great Falls instead of Billings. I was wrong. 600 Guardsmen from Great Falls, Missoula, Helena and Billings all deployed on Sept. 20. My bad. At any rate, Paul is now in Mississippi (he apparently found summer there!), as are the rest of them. Keep them all in your prayers.

Ok, on to the NFL! I'm 2-6. Could've been 5-6. What was the theme for the teams that lost? TURNOVERS! Yikes... how many did the Titans have?! How often did the '9ers cough it up in the red zone?! What happened to the Patriots in the 2nd half?! These teams would've won their games had they not had so many rotten turnovers! The Ravens were hosed on the roughing-the-passer call. Let the boys play! But, the Cowgirls and Vikes both fell to 0-2, which is a good day in my book! Now the Monday night game was game of the week as far as I'm concerned. I have to admit the '9ers gave 'em a good run! Even Alex Smith looked pretty sharp most of the game. You can tell they're a young team as most of their mistakes could be chalked up to inexperience. They were costly mistakes, tho. They have no reason to be ashamed. They played with a good Saints team. They kept Drew Brees on the sidelines quite a bit which was a great game plan. I think a lot of sportswriters will have to make some serious revisions to last week's assuming commentary pieces about teams that are in trouble after WEEK 1! You guys just jumped the gun way to early! Now take what you said about my '9ers back, ya hear?! I have to tell you, I was so sure that game was headed to overtime! That ball looked tipped! When the refs indicated "goal", I was so let down. But, considering many thought this would be a blowout, well, I got yer blowout right here! Speaking of blowouts, what was up with the Giants/Colts game?! Was a bummer of a game. Not even close. Even Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth admitted it was boring.

So, off to a luke-warm start... but hey! I'm a bit rusty;) We'll see what Week 3 offers soon enough.