Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Things learned/remembered on this trip

Awwww! I'm in Georgia right now. I am enjoying this auntie thing. Reagan is such a lovely baby. I've learned some things on this trip already, and have remembered some things too. In no particular order:

1) Talk to the person next to you on the plane. You never know! I ended up sitting next to a pilot flying to his job. He grew up in Sidney, MT (where I was born), his dad is actually like best friends with the doctor who delivered my sister and my there, he lives like 2 blocks away from my parents, he has 2 sons, his wife is fluent in French, and he eased my fears of flying. He told me how flying is alot like driving a car and the air currents are like currents in the water. He was fun to talk to and I don't want to jump the gun, but he may have cured my fear of flying!

2) First class is... FABULOUS! Never have I ever flown first class. Haven't even considered it. When I checked in to the airport, my ticket said "seat request", which was odd, cuz when I purchased my ticket MONTHS ago, I picked out my seat at the same time. Oh well, I thought. I head to the gate and give my ticket to the agent there and she starts typing some stuff in the computer... no go. There were other people there with the same thing printed on their tickets and their tickets would print off right away with a seat assignment on it. I stood and watched like 8 people behind me gets seats while mine came up with nothing. So the ticket lady says to herself, "better call coorperate". Great. I am thinking I'm gonna get bumped, AGAIN (this almost same thing happened to me last time I flew to Georgia)! A few minutes of them communicating back and forth and the ticket lady says "well, we only have a seat available in first class... mmmhmm... uhhuh. Okay, she's on there now." Ticket prints. I have in my hand a ticket with the word "Premium seating" on it! Apparently, they over booked coach, but first class was not full. Since it took her so long to get to my ticket, I was the lucky recipient of the final seat! If only that smug old lady who got her ticket before mine could've seen that! Anyway, the service is great (you get to keep the soda can and it's served with a real glass), but for a 6'1" girl like myself, the leg room was wonderful. Listen to me... I'm such a hick!

3)I forgot how much babies sleep! I've been here not even 24 hours and I'm checking on Reagan like every half hour. She eats, gets changed, and sleeps... and sleeps. And sleeps. But, people, what a sweet angel of a baby she is! I love her so much!

4) Marcia and Daniel are great parents. Daniel just met Reagan for the first time last week. And he's a pro! When I'm holding her and Daniel's in the room, she just stares and coos at him. And Marcia... well, she's a-mazing! She works full time, she was running the house like a single mom (and that includes yardwork; the military is pretty strict on how their yards are kept), her house looks great... I could go on. I have so much respect for her. She's been so organized and on top of things, but motherhood just enhances her life.

5) With the cool, wet summer we've have in northern Montana, the hot heat here in Georgia is nice, actually. The humidity hasn't been bad (tho when I came in from my walk/jog this morning, it looked like I'd just run a marathon!). I love warm weather. I left Billings and it was 47 degrees. I arrived in Atlanta and it was 90 degrees and it felt good!

6) I love my family! Of course, I knew this. But, sometimes we take them for granted and I was starting to do that. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband, awesome daughter, great in-laws, terrific parents. Being away from home is nice, me-time is welcomed, but it refreshes you too. And reminds you how great your life really is.

So that's what I've learned/remembered. Don't forget, tomorrow is opening kick-off for NFL! Will start posting my predictions for games once I'm home again. We'll be celebrating my b-day on Friday (first time I've celebrated an actual event/holiday with my sister since high school... like 10 plus years), dedicating Reagan to the Lord on Sunday, lots of auntie time; a good week ahead!