Aria was so excited to go. She picked out her backpack over the weekend and couldn't wait to fill it up! Of course, we had to take out all of her toys and keep it mostly empty for potential papers from school. The teacher, Mrs. Tempel made it pretty clear that learning would be a side effect from the class. No pressure parents!! I had to laugh at the beginning when everyone was settled in and Mrs. Tempel was giving instructions, Aria blurted out "What time is it?". This is her favorite question to ask anyone within earshot. I am sure that Mrs. Tempel will hear this question more than once.
Surprisingly, I didn't get emotional AT ALL! Maybe it was cuz we were there with them or there was so much activity to really focus on how momentous this was, but it wasn't till we were taking off our coats at home when it hit me: Aria is in preschool????!!!! She has 2 years of this, but man, it's hard to believe.
BTW~ I didn't do my week 4 predictions as I was visiting family in Billings over the weekend. I really didn't have time to put anything down. I would like for everyone to note the 49ers-Rams score... oh yeah! I was at a 49ers game a few years back and saw them lose horribly to the Rams. If only I could've seen them shut out the Rams this time! I also think tonight's game, Vikings vs. Packers is going to be fun to watch. Brett is really trying to poo-poo the significance of this game. We all know the history, so don't think you're fooling anyone, Brent. I can't wait to see his replacement, Aaron Rodgers, out-perform his un-mentor, Brett Favre, and all Brett will be able to wonder after the game is "huh... maybe if I had actually tried to help this guy out, maybe we could've won tonight!"