Wednesday, May 30, 2012
To be in Public or not to be
(just a heads up, my browser will not let me edit or use proper paragraphs lately on this blog site. I was a good english student and this drives me crazy!)
AGAIN! with the breast feeding in public controversy. This time brought to us by the military. There were some pictures take of women in uniform, nursing their babies. They looked happy and content. As any mother would be in this situation. I am not against breast feeding at all. But, I'm also not going to judge you if you don't breast feed. Either way, breast or bottle, works just fine. I attempted breast feeding. Miserable failure! My kids didn't want to latch on. Aria and I fought it for about a month. After a month, I was like this is nuts. I just want her to eat. She was a good eater. I decided if I had that happen again, I wouldn't even force the issue. I tried with Taryn for 4 or 5 days. No go, no problem. She is healthy. Breast feeding would've been cheaper, but bottle feeding is a pleasent option in this house. I still feel like I have that closeness with my kids. Whether you breast feed or not, your kid is always going to have a special attachment to their mom. Don't kid yourself.
My problem sets in with PUBLIC displays of breast feeding. We have a lovely (and I say that with my teeth clenched) gal at my church who is one of these pro breast feeding types. Pastor will be right in the middle of the sermon and there she is, nursing away, 4 seats away from me! (she also gave me a very unneccessary, pity look when I told her I don't breast feed) "It's so natural" is the common excuse. So is burping and farting. That isn't condoned in the public square. Would you birth your child in front of the whole church?! (well there are alot of attention whores out there) Would you concieve your child in front of the church?! I know I'm getting ridiculous, but c'mon! Some things are meant to be private. Why does our nudity censor disappear when it comes to breast feeding? Any other time, whipping out your boob in public would be frowned upon, not to mention indecent exposure! But we'll sweep that aside cuz there's a hungry baby there. Go into a designated area and take care of business. Peeing is natural,too, but we don't squat where ever and let nature take it's course. Or, how about, heaven forbid you give your baby a bottle during those public outings?! For crying out loud. They are asking us to respect their decision. Well, how's about you respect our right to not be exposed to your breast every time little Jimmy or little Susie wants to eat? I will admit, I'm about as far right on the modesty issue as one can be, but it's really, offensive and frankly distracting to the rest of us. Stop being so self-centered.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Why I sort of hate the month of April
Earth Day. I hate April because of Earth Day. Look, I turn of my lights when I'm not in the room to save $$ on my electric bill! Not to "save the world"! People who buy electric cars are certainly entitled to do so and have every right in the world. But, where, pray-tell, does the electricity to run your stupid vehicle come from?! Oh, wait! I know! A magic unicorn who runs on a magic treadmill in the middle of Kentucky and eats butterfly farts for energy. That's where electricity comes from. Seriously, there's a word for you hippy-morons out there and it rhymes with dip-nits.
Anyway, so now that I have a child in the public education system, we get bombarded with Earth Day memorabilia all month long. Apparently the cirriculum hasn't changed much from when I was a kid, tho. It's still turn off your lights, shut off the water jibberish from my childhood. Aria was pleased to report she tattled on me to her class that I always leave the water running when I brush my teeth. Yes, I do, but it's because it takes like 5 minutes for the hot water to travel from one end of the house to the other! I'm mostly okay with it, tho. Whatever. I don't mind bringing my unused grocery bags (yes, I use plastic ALWAYS!) to the Walmart recycling bin. If there were a recycling center close by, I might even recycle more paper and cans. I don't have a problem with these things. I do have a problem with a group of people telling me or my child that the world is going to implode if we don't do what we can to recycle.reduce.reuse everyway, everyday, earthday! The mindset of these people, sadly, is a belief in mother earth, not a Creator of the universe. Their world view is pretty narrow, and as such so is their tolerance. WE are the only ones who can save the world. We created this mess, so WE must fix it. My belief is that God created everything we see and use. And that HE supplies all our needs and HE is in control of everything. And if HE decides that the world will end, it will. There will be nothing that WE can do to stop it. It's actually pretty liberating and a relief to know that the things I do today, 10 years ago, 10 years from now, will NOT destroy the world; whether it's drive my car, throw out my garbage or leave the water running. Now, I'm not going to delibrately leave the water on, that adds up finacially. But, I'm not going to be guilted into feeling bad about living! Again, feel free to recycle as much or as little as you want. It won't change the outcome in the end, tho. We are to be good stewards of the land, and I believe that also goes hand in hand with common sense. If there is a naturally occuring good being produced, and we have the ability to gain access to and use it, we should! If we can find ways to make that product benefit millions, it just makes sense to keep producing and distributing it for others to enjoy. And if we can find ways to duplicate it or even reuse it, all the better! But doing it in the name of saving the planet is foolish and ignorant.
I did however observe Earth Day like I normally do; I drove to work, I washed my laundry and dishes, I vacuumed my floors, I threw out my baby's dirty diapers, I turned on my lights when it was dark so I could see to cook dinner on my electric stove... I lived out my ordinary life on an ordinary day! Happy EVERYday!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Stay-at-home mom vs. Working mom

I would put my self right in the middle. I don't work full time, I don't stay home full time. I know plenty of moms who do one or the other. Here's the thing: they're all pretty good moms. Now do they live up to MY standards? No. Does that matter? No. Do stay at home moms deserve to be called lazy an out of touch? NO! Do working moms deserve to be called neglectful and selfish? NO! But both sides to a pretty good job at judging the other.
I read an article, it's coincidence that it came out the same day as this Ann Romney controversy is to me no accident. The article was about a mom who was a stay at home mom, SAHM from here on out. She was exasperated with the endless questions of how's the bon-bon's and life must be easy for you from her condescending working mom friends. She laid out her typical day (which I might add was somewhat exaggerated) for these moms to contemplate. Basically, she kinda made her kids sound like all they do is scream, cry, pee, and sleep thismuch. Now, kids have their moments, but they aren't like this ALL THE TIME! Some of her comments were funny and I could identify with some as well (I never thought putting my kiddos in the basket of a shopping cart was dangerous! Honest!). Now, however, this was her side of the story. I know life is busy, but how stressful one makes it is kinda a personal choice. If bringing your daughter to ballet class is too stressful, don't do it! If you can't handle that, then don't... duh. I know you want to give your kids the best opportunities, but if it stretches you too thin, the only one to blame is you. Work or not. Working or not has nothing to do with this issue. It about our assumptions, our opinions, what we do or don't put on our plate.
To me, dusting isn't a big deal; I live in an area with hardly any paved roads. It's dusty all the time! So, I'm not quite as anal about dusting. Someone else may have the opinion that dusting must be done weekly, and if they go to someones house like mine and see it's dusty, well to them, clearly, I work too much and don't take good enough care of my home. Or the other way: I am pretty anal about laundry. I hate having piles of laundry. When it does pile up, I do it all in one day. I get it over with. I don't drag it out because to me, a pile of dirty clothes is just plain nasty. Now someone else may have the opinion of laundry as I have about dusting. But when I go to someones house and notice a HUGE laundry pile, I tend to judge them rather harshly. It's not fair but it's how we all are. Some moms notice the littlest things about their own kids or other kids. It's their gift, tho annoying, it's what they're good at. Perhaps it's the competitor in all of us that wants to be better than anyone else, but we tend to notice the negatives to make ourselves feel better. But there's no reason for it, really.
SAHMs do what they do and do their best, I'm sure. They take pride in being with their kids full time, caring for them %100, running the house. Working moms also do what they do and do their best. They take pride in earning an income, helping their kids with homework, keeping up with the dishes, running the home. However, we both work hard to keep our family, our kids and our sanity in check all day. To ultimately criticize one group over the other is plain ignorance. To say one group doesn't have a say in something because their lack of experience with the other group is just plain mean. As women, we all devote our time, energy, love to our families and home. Pitting one side against the other is counter-productive. Each side probably envies the other on certain days. We all want to be the perfect mom, who can juggle home, kids, marriage, social gatherings, bills, pets, dusting, laundry and still make cookies and drink a hot cup of whatever before going to bed at a decent hour. It never goes as we plan and why should it? Life is full of surprises, unexpected's, uh-oh's. Saying a working mom has it harder or easier doesn't matter. We will always have our opinions, our perceptions... it's maybe not fair, but it really fine. But when your kids have a mom they love, no matter what they do or don't do, the rest just plain doesn't matter.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Denver, Denver, Denver *shakes head*
Oh Denver, you never learn! As a former Broncos fan (yes, I was a kid, but still followed the game even then), I can say this is why I left you: You'll never learn! Loyalty means nothing to you. Tebow gave you a dream year then you dumped all over him. Now please don't get me wrong. No one loves Peyton Manning more than me. I've been very up-front and honest from the start about that. Ever since that MNF game against Tampa Bay in 2003, when Peyton lead the Colts in the last 5 minutes of the game from a 3 TD deficit to win, I have followed his career very closely. I've been reading a lot on these recent developments, and one author in particular, Mark Kriegel has an obvious dislike for Manning. To sum up Mr. Kriegel's opinion, he thinks Peyton is an old, spoiled-brat princess QB who is money hungry. There are quite a few, to my surprise, who feel the same way. In my view, Peyton saved the Colts a whole lotta mullah when he didn't re-sign with the Colts. That freed up a lot of cash for Irsey to play with. Peyton was pretty vocal in his desire to play for the Colts and remain in Indy. Irsey saw a crack in the door and foolishly opened it wide. Peyton is a gamble as far as his longevity's to play, I understand that. All it could take is one bad hit and he's done. But, BUT this is Peyton Manning! To have him donning your colors is a blessing! He is master of the game (tho his obvious weakness is playoffs). To have him sitting on the sidelines would be good enough. Peyton is a competitor, tho, naturally he wants to play. But, Irsey, has to look to the future, and I guess for whatever reason, he didn't see having Peyton on his sidelines make sense. So let the negotiations begin! In walks, Miami, Arizona, San Fran, Denver... the list grew. They all, rightly so, want Peyton. Peyton went for Denver. I'm not sure what he's seeing in Denver. Frankly, San Fran was his best opportunity at a Super Bowl. Tho, I understand Denver may sign Jeff Saturday and Dallas Clark from Indy also. This may help Denver, but their defense needs work, too. But I really have to lose what little remaining respect I had for John Elway. He went from wanting to work with Tebow to kicking him to the curb awfully quick. Elway's in this for instant gratification and he will pay for this. He was very critical of Tebow at the beginning of the year. As the year went on, he hopped on the Tebow train faster than most did. He then closed the season saying Tebow was the man and he would work with him to make him great. Now, if Peyton Manning was banging down my door, I'd sure jump at the opportunity to have him on board. However, I would not throw my other players under the bus, esp. after stating how making them #1 was my first priority. John Elway looks like a donkey's bottom. He'll pay dearly for it if the Denver fans don't get the excitement and success they did last year. This obvious hate for Tebow is totally uncalled for. He proved he can work hard, work well with others and get the "W". His players respect him, his coaches like him, his fans love him... what is up?! I read that Tebow will most likely be going to the Jets (ugh!) and how they will want him to live in New Jersey to keep him away from the *sinister voice* evils of New York and that "he'll need his hand held here". REALLY?! Because he clearly led a life of debauchery in Denver and Florida and everywhere else he's been. It all comes down to this: the media (cuz this is where these ridiculous stories originate) are waiting for Tebow to stumble and fall, so they can "drive by" and "shoot" Tebow while he's down. "See we told you he's a fraud" they'll mock. But, I'm off topic. Tebow isn't a conventional QB. Who is? Brady? Manning? Favre? McNabb? Montana? Moon? Young? Elway?... sheesh I could go on and on. All these QBs have different styles, different strengths, different ways of getting the "W". Tebow is no different. "Well, his passing ratio is low and he is totally inconsistent throughout the game" So? Was this not his first year starting? Of course he's gonna have pretty low stats... he's not Hercules! For crying out loud, people! He's the model citizen, so he should be a model QB too?! Knock it off. Give him a chance. He's proved his work ethic and willingness to learn and GET BETTER! Give him the chance and I'm sure he'll prove a lot of nay-sayers wrong. But, Elway listened to the pathetic media, and dropped the guy like last years fashion line. I'm so glad to see Manning get a chance to play again and I really hope he does well and proves Irsey a moron. I hope Tebow does the same to Elway. What a great team Manning and Tebow could've been and Elway could've shown Irsey what loyalty is. But, no. Time will tell if these decisions will haunt the guys in the suits and prove their disloyalty towards their players. I could never be a Denver Donkey fan now, and it'll pain me to see see Manning in that ugly orange uniform! As well as Tebow playing for hot-head Rex Ryan... oi!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Happy birthday, Shosh!
To my sister, Marcia, I hope you know how proud I am of you, how proud I am to be your sister, how wonderful a mom you are to Reagan. I love you and miss you terribly. Hope your birthday is fantastic!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
SIX years already?!
Indeed, today, my little Aria is 6. I still remember her birth day so vividly! What a fun, memorable day. The party planning is coming along; she is so excited to have her friends and Spongebob there (her 2 favorite things)! I say it over and over, but I can't believe she is 6. She really is so grown up: she a wonderful help with her little sister, she is polite, she listens pretty well, she is very loving and thoughtful, and she is doing so well in school. I am so proud of her and glad God gave her to me and her dad!
Happy, happy birthday, Aria Marie!! I love you so very much:)
Happy, happy birthday, Aria Marie!! I love you so very much:)
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Where to, Mr. Manning?
Jim Irsay just made a HUGE mistake. Who would willing let go of Peyton Manning?! "It's the business end of football... get used to it" I hear the excuse. Forget that! Peyton put Indy on the map, he brought a franchise to the elite list, he broke numerous records... to have him sitting on the sideline would be a blessing. He could mentor the next in line QB, he'd be an outstanding offensive coach. Plus, he still may be able to play next year. WTF, Irsay?!?!? You are a moron. That and loyalty means apparently nothing to you. Business end! BAH! The best business would be keeping Peyton around, no matter what. Now, Peyton is hot on the market (get the hint, Irsay? Everyone wants him!). He's interviewed in Denver, Arizona, Miami, and I'm sure there's more to come. I read something, hopefully just a rumor, that if Peyton is signed in Denver, the Broncs would let Tebow go. Again, sheer stupidity. I hope that is not true. Tebow proved he's a fighter and willing to improve. Who wouldn't want that to work with? There is just so much wheeling and dealing in the NFL. The days of loyalty and playing for one team for your career are long gone. It's sad to see. I did laugh when I read that if Peyton came to Denver, he could mentor Tebow like Favre did Aaron Rodgers. HA! The whole reason I started disliking Favre is when Rodgers came to town and Brett started whining that it wasn't his job to mentor anyone. (sure it is, Brett. It's like passing down traditions to your kids; unless you don't want them doing anything like you did, teach them everything!) This scenario in Denver would be good, but if the rumor is true, it wouldn't matter. The only thing is, I used to be a Broncos fan before I became a 9ers fan. (ps, I am loyal, and won't switch teams) But if Peyton goes to the Broncos, and Tebow stays... wonder if God is telling me something!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I've HAD it!!!
ENOUGH of the bullying from the left. I'm done. The 3 issues I'm about to dive into are all hot areas of discussion right now, locally and nationally. I'm done with the left and their condescending, holier-than-thou fake disgust over anyone who they view as inept and unqualified just because their views differ from the left. I will start with Kirk Cameron, then one of my favorites, Rush Limbaugh, and end with a more local story, Judge Cebull.
Kirk Cameron has just as much to believe that homosexuality is wrong as a person has the right to believe Big Foot is real. The reason he gets called out is because Hollywood has locked arms on this issue and won't back down. Since Hollywood owns the actors and the cameras and the media, their agenda, their point of view is out there for everyone to see, and ultimately accept. If you don't, you will be chastised, ridiculed, made fun of and even boycotted. I honestly have to say I never had Kirk Cameron poster on my wall as a kid. I'd really have to think hard as to what show it was exactly that made him famous. I am aware that he is very bold in his Christian faith, so he obviously has a bulls eye on his back in Hollywood. It's complete hypocrisy. The typical Hollywood actor will advocate for standing up for yourself, being true to yourself and be proud of who you are, except if you're a Christian. In that case, the typical Hollywood actor criticizes you, is very skeptical of you and frankly thinks you are a crazy, narrow-minded zealot. (Never mind, Scientology, Kaballah or mother earth lovers. YOU all are given the free-pass card cuz you don't align yourself with those crazy Christians!) The one, probably most important detail that these so called progressive thinking actors forget about those crazy Christians is that we believe in something detrimental to our faith: FREE WILL. The gift of eternal life is just that, a GIFT. We can either accept it or deny it. We will answer for those decisions ultimately, but if you want to live a life of sin, a life of denial, YOU CAN! Christians are only trying to live out our faith by practicing what we preach. If the Bible instructs us of something, we are called to live it out, by faith. To be ridiculed for doing something that otherwise would be considered noble is hypocritical. Kirk was put on the spot, he was asked a question, and he answered it honestly. Did he call for all homosexuals to renounce their ways, to covert to Christianity to vote for Romney? Heck no! Was and is this being insinuated by the reporting on this story?! You better believe it!
Why do I like Rush Limbaugh? He is fun to listen to and he articulate what I believe so well. To assume because I listen to him makes me some dummy without a brain is, in fact, something a dummy without a brain would think. Those who say they can't stand him are entitle to think that, however, I would probably be correct in assuming that that person never listened to Rush and is just spouting off whatever MSNBC says. Now, Rush recently has been lambasted with criticism over some things he said about a faux college student TESTIFYING BEFORE CONGRESS over BIRTH CONTROL! (why congress is worried about birth control and not rising gas and food prices is a mystery to me) This *wink,wink* student, Sandra Fluke, is an advocate for women's rights and this is her platform. Considering this is her "area", she is about as clueless as I am about quantum physics. Birth control is covered by most insurances for medical conditions other than birth control. And if your place of employment doesn't cover it, regardless of reason, that issue needs to be taken up with your employer, not the government. The employer decides what is covered and what is not. They make the decision based on what they can afford to cover. Now, birth control is readily and cheaply available. If Ms. Fluke is stating that women going to Georgetown can't afford birth control, how the hell are they affording to get educated in GEORGETOWN? But, how the media is stating that Rush thinks all women on birth control are prostitutes, is something I don't follow at all. I was actually listening to him the day this all started. His point, tho blatantly construded by the media, was this woman was basically complaining to our leaders that she and her friends were so sexually active, they needed help paying for what most of us have to pay for out of pocket anyway. She admitted, without out and out saying it, we are all too busy having sex we can't afford our birth control; we can't work because of all the sex, we can't study because of all the sex... that is pretty much admitting towards slutty tendencies, is it not? She would rather you and me pay for her lack of moral judgement and character, than take responsibility and pony up the cash herself. Now, I agree Rush could've articulated this point a bit better, and he admitted to this in his apology, but when it comes down to it, we are quick to defend a woman who advocates promiscuity at astounding levels or a guy who calls it as he sees it? In my opinion, I'd much rather defend a guy standing up for what is right, than for a someone who is clueless about her cause all the while promoting a dangerous life style at the same time. This is not about birth control. It's about our moral compass. Birth control is just an easy, knee jerk way to get people wound up and cry foul at the first possibility that our rights are being tampered with. When in fact they are, but not by the people being portrayed. When our President pretty much orders an entity to provide something, he is not only totally overstepping his bounds, but he is totally imposing his will over ours.
Judge Cebull is receiving locally what Rush is nationally. Cebull made the mistake of forwarding a joke to some friends and eventually was found and made public. Would I have forwarded this joke, no. No.1 , I read the joke and I didn't get it. Honestly, I didn't understand it! No.2, I don't get stuff like this in my email. However, have I ever shared a joke with someone in the past? Yes. So, I am automatically a racist? Who hasn't heard or told a joke, about females, Huttrites, Indians, people from Joplin, people from Chester, people from North Dakota, people from Mexico, men, whites, blacks? Hmm?? HMM??? Are we all racists? There are quite a few hoity-toity, offended beyond measure who are quick to assemble a lynch mob because they are so superior in their intellect they never have commented an offense as rash as this! The nerve. Never mind the guys 40-plus years of non-partial work. In all of his previous cases, he has shown no tendency of racism EVER. But let's throw that all out the window, because clearly, this man's right to his opinion over shadows his ability to be a fair judge. And I really like how not liking Obama's policies = racism. So much for bringing everyone together! Granted sharing this from his work computer was a lapse in judgement, but again, those who are blameless may cast the first stone. There's a lot of stone throwing, but if we were to apprehend what these holier-than-thou types had to say on their "free time" at work, I wonder if the stones would drop. (for my first witness, I call the "honorable" Bill Maher)
The hypocrisy in the left and the media (can you tell who's who?) is obvious. If you don't agree, I'm sorry, you're one of them, and someone I've had it with.
Kirk Cameron has just as much to believe that homosexuality is wrong as a person has the right to believe Big Foot is real. The reason he gets called out is because Hollywood has locked arms on this issue and won't back down. Since Hollywood owns the actors and the cameras and the media, their agenda, their point of view is out there for everyone to see, and ultimately accept. If you don't, you will be chastised, ridiculed, made fun of and even boycotted. I honestly have to say I never had Kirk Cameron poster on my wall as a kid. I'd really have to think hard as to what show it was exactly that made him famous. I am aware that he is very bold in his Christian faith, so he obviously has a bulls eye on his back in Hollywood. It's complete hypocrisy. The typical Hollywood actor will advocate for standing up for yourself, being true to yourself and be proud of who you are, except if you're a Christian. In that case, the typical Hollywood actor criticizes you, is very skeptical of you and frankly thinks you are a crazy, narrow-minded zealot. (Never mind, Scientology, Kaballah or mother earth lovers. YOU all are given the free-pass card cuz you don't align yourself with those crazy Christians!) The one, probably most important detail that these so called progressive thinking actors forget about those crazy Christians is that we believe in something detrimental to our faith: FREE WILL. The gift of eternal life is just that, a GIFT. We can either accept it or deny it. We will answer for those decisions ultimately, but if you want to live a life of sin, a life of denial, YOU CAN! Christians are only trying to live out our faith by practicing what we preach. If the Bible instructs us of something, we are called to live it out, by faith. To be ridiculed for doing something that otherwise would be considered noble is hypocritical. Kirk was put on the spot, he was asked a question, and he answered it honestly. Did he call for all homosexuals to renounce their ways, to covert to Christianity to vote for Romney? Heck no! Was and is this being insinuated by the reporting on this story?! You better believe it!
Why do I like Rush Limbaugh? He is fun to listen to and he articulate what I believe so well. To assume because I listen to him makes me some dummy without a brain is, in fact, something a dummy without a brain would think. Those who say they can't stand him are entitle to think that, however, I would probably be correct in assuming that that person never listened to Rush and is just spouting off whatever MSNBC says. Now, Rush recently has been lambasted with criticism over some things he said about a faux college student TESTIFYING BEFORE CONGRESS over BIRTH CONTROL! (why congress is worried about birth control and not rising gas and food prices is a mystery to me) This *wink,wink* student, Sandra Fluke, is an advocate for women's rights and this is her platform. Considering this is her "area", she is about as clueless as I am about quantum physics. Birth control is covered by most insurances for medical conditions other than birth control. And if your place of employment doesn't cover it, regardless of reason, that issue needs to be taken up with your employer, not the government. The employer decides what is covered and what is not. They make the decision based on what they can afford to cover. Now, birth control is readily and cheaply available. If Ms. Fluke is stating that women going to Georgetown can't afford birth control, how the hell are they affording to get educated in GEORGETOWN? But, how the media is stating that Rush thinks all women on birth control are prostitutes, is something I don't follow at all. I was actually listening to him the day this all started. His point, tho blatantly construded by the media, was this woman was basically complaining to our leaders that she and her friends were so sexually active, they needed help paying for what most of us have to pay for out of pocket anyway. She admitted, without out and out saying it, we are all too busy having sex we can't afford our birth control; we can't work because of all the sex, we can't study because of all the sex... that is pretty much admitting towards slutty tendencies, is it not? She would rather you and me pay for her lack of moral judgement and character, than take responsibility and pony up the cash herself. Now, I agree Rush could've articulated this point a bit better, and he admitted to this in his apology, but when it comes down to it, we are quick to defend a woman who advocates promiscuity at astounding levels or a guy who calls it as he sees it? In my opinion, I'd much rather defend a guy standing up for what is right, than for a someone who is clueless about her cause all the while promoting a dangerous life style at the same time. This is not about birth control. It's about our moral compass. Birth control is just an easy, knee jerk way to get people wound up and cry foul at the first possibility that our rights are being tampered with. When in fact they are, but not by the people being portrayed. When our President pretty much orders an entity to provide something, he is not only totally overstepping his bounds, but he is totally imposing his will over ours.
Judge Cebull is receiving locally what Rush is nationally. Cebull made the mistake of forwarding a joke to some friends and eventually was found and made public. Would I have forwarded this joke, no. No.1 , I read the joke and I didn't get it. Honestly, I didn't understand it! No.2, I don't get stuff like this in my email. However, have I ever shared a joke with someone in the past? Yes. So, I am automatically a racist? Who hasn't heard or told a joke, about females, Huttrites, Indians, people from Joplin, people from Chester, people from North Dakota, people from Mexico, men, whites, blacks? Hmm?? HMM??? Are we all racists? There are quite a few hoity-toity, offended beyond measure who are quick to assemble a lynch mob because they are so superior in their intellect they never have commented an offense as rash as this! The nerve. Never mind the guys 40-plus years of non-partial work. In all of his previous cases, he has shown no tendency of racism EVER. But let's throw that all out the window, because clearly, this man's right to his opinion over shadows his ability to be a fair judge. And I really like how not liking Obama's policies = racism. So much for bringing everyone together! Granted sharing this from his work computer was a lapse in judgement, but again, those who are blameless may cast the first stone. There's a lot of stone throwing, but if we were to apprehend what these holier-than-thou types had to say on their "free time" at work, I wonder if the stones would drop. (for my first witness, I call the "honorable" Bill Maher)
The hypocrisy in the left and the media (can you tell who's who?) is obvious. If you don't agree, I'm sorry, you're one of them, and someone I've had it with.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Think ahead for others, please
When will courtesy, even in our own judicial system, exist? I do not mind, really, being selected for a jury pool. I know this is a civic duty and I'm pretty much fine with that. However, when I'm given a WEEK notice, I'm not as understanding. Some of us have to make work arrangements, daycare arrangements and all for perhaps not, as a lot of these trials end up being cancelled. Plus, when I do have to attend, I'm really not being compensated for money lost from not working my job. I think one gets what, $40 a day. Sorry, I make a bit more than that in a day. Aren't most trail dates set months in advance? Getting a weeks notice seems a bit ridiculous if that is the case. In my nursing job, there is me and one other nurse who work. And she works full time at the hospital on top of this job, so her availability to work for me at moments notice is pretty slim. What do I tell my patient if none of us can show up? It's just plain rude to have this kind of a heads up. If anyone who works in a court system somewhere is reading this, here's an FYI fer ya: Consider that the people in the jury pool have jobs, kids, responsibilities outside of what you're doing. Giving us 2, better yet, 3 or 4 weeks notice is MUCHLY appreciated!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
My new 10
You all know the pain scale? 0 = no pain, 10 = worst pain... yes? Well, I have found my new 10. Yeeow-zaw! I have had back problems for a while now: degenerative disk disease, mild arthritis... it usually requires a cortisone injection 1 o 2 times a year to be tolerable. It had been almost 100% for quite sometime. In fact the night before my new 10, I remarked how good I had been feeling. I went to bed that night (Wednesday) with a mildly sore back (which is normal for me, esp. after some house cleaning), and thought nothing of it. I got up early Thursday morning and started getting ready. I bent over to pick up some clothes and just like that, I'm in major pain and can't move! Horrible. I was still determined to get ready for work, I thought maybe this would pass, like a cramp does. Not so much. To walk, to stand, to sit, to lay was sheer agony. I honestly was pretty scared. It took one hour for me to dress myself. I managed to get out to our living room and had to sit in the recliner before I passed out from the pain. I could not get up! It was a very dismal feeling. I waited for Tony to get home from work. (fortunately, Aria was at Uncle Dustin and Auntie Kim's house that morning and Taryn was sleeping soundly in her room). Tony got home and i was in a sort of panic: there was no way I could go to work much less get out of that recliner. Tony made a few phone calls for me and then we discussed what to do next. I took a muscle relaxant and would see if that would help while Tony slept. He got in about 3.5 hours of sleep when Dustin showed up to drop off Aria's stuff the the night over with them. Talk about good timing, cuz as he walked in, the school called to tell us to come get Aria from school as she wasn't feeling well. So Dustin, bless his heart, went to Chester to get Aria and Tony helped me get ready to go to the ER. I couldn't stand up straight, and to move was terribly painful. I kept saying I hope I'm not being a baby about this but it's seriously the worst pain I've ever had. We got to the ER. The doc didn't think it was disk related, but ordered x-rays to be sure. If I had symptoms like numbness and such, he would've ordered an MRI, but I didn't have those symptoms. Getting on the x-ray table was rough, but we got it done! The x-rays didn't show much changes from previous ones, but he did not that the normal curve that is in the lower spine on me today was completely straight due to muscle spasms. Yikes! I got Morphine and Toradol IV and that was a bit helpful. Tony remarked that I was catching up to his ER experiences as that is what he gets for kidney stones. Toradol is a great drug. I spent most the day in the chair or up trying to walk around. The doc encouraged me to get up and walk as long as I could tolerate. I've been taking strong pain meds and anti-inflammatories, and it seems to be working, slowly. I woke up Friday morning feeling a bit better. Saturday, if it weren't for my left side feeling so tender, I'd feel pretty good. Once this lets go entirely, I'll be working on getting a strong core and strengthening my back. I will have to be very careful, esp. bending over, and use my legs. Tho, I must add that went I bent over, I was sitting. I do not want to go thru this again! Throwing out your back, as they say, is much more painful than it sounds. It should be called so painful you can't move or do anything for yourself back... or SPYCMODAFYB.
I should add that Tony and Aria were so wonderful to me. They always are, but they went above and beyond! Tony took over in every aspect of the household; from cooking, to cleaning, to baths, he was so helpful. And Aria, my little attentive nurse; she would look at me every so often and say "okay, mom, time to walk again", and she would even try to help me up and let me lean on her shoulder as I shuffled throughout the house! If I asked her to get something for me, she wouldn't even complain or procrastinate! Such a sweet family that I have been blessed with- thanks Lord!
I should add that Tony and Aria were so wonderful to me. They always are, but they went above and beyond! Tony took over in every aspect of the household; from cooking, to cleaning, to baths, he was so helpful. And Aria, my little attentive nurse; she would look at me every so often and say "okay, mom, time to walk again", and she would even try to help me up and let me lean on her shoulder as I shuffled throughout the house! If I asked her to get something for me, she wouldn't even complain or procrastinate! Such a sweet family that I have been blessed with- thanks Lord!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
to speak or not to speak
Do you ever let your emotions rule your words? Is it okay to express your honest opinion to someone, no matter how close, or is it better to jut let it mellow and keep your mouth shut? Am I a good friend for being honest about an issue that I think needs to be addressed or is it not my place to say anything. Are you a better friend/family member if you say your 2 cents and risk the relationship or keep quiet and keep the peace? I'm really struggling with this issue right now. Some things need to be said, need to be addressed, need to be brought into the light, but I'm no diplomat. However, if I say nothing, nothing will be done... things will continue to escalate. Would you rather, HONESTLY, know the truth or enjoy the rose colored glasses? Because knowing the truth could be somewhat hurtful, it could cause tension, it will not be nice. But by not saying anything, is that just as bad or worse? I thought people want transparency, they want honesty. Or is that just lip service? I say I want honesty, but ignorance is bliss. What I don't know won't kill me... same for you? I want to do the right thing, but what is the right thing; the truth or silence...
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
football, politics, & a PSA
Hellooooo out there?! What has happened to the people that I follow on this here blog-thingy? Look, I know life is busy; I have 3 jobs and 2 kids... got it. But, c'mon, man! Update your blogs people before I call the FBI on you (seriously, tho... weird things have been happening lately and I tend to think the worst right off the bat... so... there...)
Super Bowl is this weekend. Apparently, I'm the only female in my church who cares as they scheduled a baby shower that afternoon! I offered to help thinking the shower would be Jan. 29. Not one to back out of obligations, I will be late for our annual Miller Super Bowl Party, but at least it's still on! I am rooting for the Giants. It's almost cliche when the Pats make it to the big one. Plus, I love the Manning brothers. And speaking of that, what is up with the Colts, Jim Irsay and Peyton!? Irsay, the owner of the Colts, has one bad season in like 10 years and now he is cleaning house? Jump to conclusions much? Throw 'em under the bus, yes? Instant gratification, huh? Obviously, the team revolved around Peyton, but sheesh, I think Irsay is over compensating for something... and I think he's the one to blame, not Jim Caldwell or anyone else. Peyton is right; what Irsay is doing is not promoting a healthy environment in that building. Must be awkward to be hosting the Super Bowl in that location, and Peyton's brother is there! Now, I honestly don't know if Peyton will play again. I, as a fan, hope he does, but as a health care professional, don't know if he should. He could be putting himself in a dangerous position. However, if he rehabs well and becomes a free agent, I HOPE he considers the '9ers. Alex Smith needs either 1, to be replaced, or 2, mentored. A LOT. Peyton would look good in red and gold!
Whoa, the GOP primaries are heating up. Am I the only one who is totally disappointed with the potential nominees? If Romney get the nomination, it'll be McCain 2008 all over again. If Gingrich gets the nod, well, we'll see... he about as unpredictable as the weather in Montana! I like Rick Santorum, but he's lacks experience on a world level... and Ron Paul is just a wacko. Now, this is very disheartening to me. Obama is a moron; this should be a slam dunk for Republicans in 2012! But, they can't nominate a worthy contender. Obama could be re-elected because Republicans are too PC. It's stupid and it's maddening. Sorry, but for you Obama-lovers out there, we're screwed as a country if he's re-elected. His failure as a president is America's success. How can we vote for a guy who doesn't see any good in the Keystone Pipeline project?! In one sentence, he says we need to create more jobs, then the next sentence, he doesn't think the Keystone Pipeline is good for America. You bum! You hypocrite! You socialist! As Aria used to say, "Obama NO!"
This next topic I need to apologize in advance. I will be extremely vague and it's only because I don't want anyone thinking I am picking on them. I just need to say it and be done with it. There are a lot of fad diets out there. People, including myself, follow one or many of them. However, when you're behavior borderlines cult like behavior, when you obsess about it to the point that people become uncomfortable talking to you at all, maybe it's time to dial it back a notch or twenty. If it works for you, great. But that doesn't mean it will work for everyone that same way it did you. If you want to share your success, then great, but understand that when you stop taking your ridiculously overpriced magic shake drink, or stop obsessing about how margarine will give you dementia, that the weight will probably come back on and it'll be on to the next thing. Like it or not, to lose weight, it's about portion control and exercise. I don't like it, but that's all there is. And I am becoming increasingly surrounded by these (sorry, wack-jobs) who think food is killing us! "Too over processed!" "Too much preservatives!" "Too much corn sugar!" I'm sorry, but we will all die. So enjoy life, enjoy food, enjoy the fact that while you bemoan the evils of *cue suspenseful music* big farming, people like me are thinking "coo-coo for cocoa puffs" about you. This has been a public service announcement for whoever.
Super Bowl is this weekend. Apparently, I'm the only female in my church who cares as they scheduled a baby shower that afternoon! I offered to help thinking the shower would be Jan. 29. Not one to back out of obligations, I will be late for our annual Miller Super Bowl Party, but at least it's still on! I am rooting for the Giants. It's almost cliche when the Pats make it to the big one. Plus, I love the Manning brothers. And speaking of that, what is up with the Colts, Jim Irsay and Peyton!? Irsay, the owner of the Colts, has one bad season in like 10 years and now he is cleaning house? Jump to conclusions much? Throw 'em under the bus, yes? Instant gratification, huh? Obviously, the team revolved around Peyton, but sheesh, I think Irsay is over compensating for something... and I think he's the one to blame, not Jim Caldwell or anyone else. Peyton is right; what Irsay is doing is not promoting a healthy environment in that building. Must be awkward to be hosting the Super Bowl in that location, and Peyton's brother is there! Now, I honestly don't know if Peyton will play again. I, as a fan, hope he does, but as a health care professional, don't know if he should. He could be putting himself in a dangerous position. However, if he rehabs well and becomes a free agent, I HOPE he considers the '9ers. Alex Smith needs either 1, to be replaced, or 2, mentored. A LOT. Peyton would look good in red and gold!
Whoa, the GOP primaries are heating up. Am I the only one who is totally disappointed with the potential nominees? If Romney get the nomination, it'll be McCain 2008 all over again. If Gingrich gets the nod, well, we'll see... he about as unpredictable as the weather in Montana! I like Rick Santorum, but he's lacks experience on a world level... and Ron Paul is just a wacko. Now, this is very disheartening to me. Obama is a moron; this should be a slam dunk for Republicans in 2012! But, they can't nominate a worthy contender. Obama could be re-elected because Republicans are too PC. It's stupid and it's maddening. Sorry, but for you Obama-lovers out there, we're screwed as a country if he's re-elected. His failure as a president is America's success. How can we vote for a guy who doesn't see any good in the Keystone Pipeline project?! In one sentence, he says we need to create more jobs, then the next sentence, he doesn't think the Keystone Pipeline is good for America. You bum! You hypocrite! You socialist! As Aria used to say, "Obama NO!"
This next topic I need to apologize in advance. I will be extremely vague and it's only because I don't want anyone thinking I am picking on them. I just need to say it and be done with it. There are a lot of fad diets out there. People, including myself, follow one or many of them. However, when you're behavior borderlines cult like behavior, when you obsess about it to the point that people become uncomfortable talking to you at all, maybe it's time to dial it back a notch or twenty. If it works for you, great. But that doesn't mean it will work for everyone that same way it did you. If you want to share your success, then great, but understand that when you stop taking your ridiculously overpriced magic shake drink, or stop obsessing about how margarine will give you dementia, that the weight will probably come back on and it'll be on to the next thing. Like it or not, to lose weight, it's about portion control and exercise. I don't like it, but that's all there is. And I am becoming increasingly surrounded by these (sorry, wack-jobs) who think food is killing us! "Too over processed!" "Too much preservatives!" "Too much corn sugar!" I'm sorry, but we will all die. So enjoy life, enjoy food, enjoy the fact that while you bemoan the evils of *cue suspenseful music* big farming, people like me are thinking "coo-coo for cocoa puffs" about you. This has been a public service announcement for whoever.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
You may laugh at me if you like
Okay, I have this phobia... and it's completely irrational, but here it is:
wait for it...
wait for it...
do I have your attention?

Go ahead... laugh. Here's the thing, these things are creepy huge! Something about how massive the propellers on them are, the massive, imposing smoke stacks on them... I can't really describe it, but I am totally freaked out by cruise ships. Perhaps it the falling hundreds of feet to a watery grave and no one knowing what the heck happened to ya scenario. Or we're all at the whim of the waves bit, but, ack! it gives me the willies!
Then this solidifies my fears... (look how freaking huge it is! It could probably crush Joplin and maybe Inverness at the same time!!!)

Oh. My. Lanta!
*horrified gasp* and it's underside is showing.... EEEKKKK! Seriously, am I the only one spazing over this?!

Let me be honest. The Titanic fascinates me, but horrifies me. Maybe it the out in the middle of nowhere for miles and miles... it sounds downright hopeless and scary to me. I did a massive research paper on the Titanic in college. It was riveting for me, but I really have no desire to EVER go on a cruise. Pearl Harbor, was haunting to me... that big ship, the Arizona just feet below the surface... it was an act of God that I didn't lose my grip on the memorial site. I like to swim and I can swim, but something about a vessel that huge submerged underwater CREEPS THE HOLY HANNAH OUT OF ME.
If any of you are lucky enough to win a cruise, and are able to invite friends, you have my happy permission to pass on me. I like my feet on dry, solid land!
(This is all related to that cruise ship that tipped over by Italy recently... yes, I do keep a paranoid watch on all these occurrences!)
wait for it...
wait for it...
do I have your attention?

Go ahead... laugh. Here's the thing, these things are creepy huge! Something about how massive the propellers on them are, the massive, imposing smoke stacks on them... I can't really describe it, but I am totally freaked out by cruise ships. Perhaps it the falling hundreds of feet to a watery grave and no one knowing what the heck happened to ya scenario. Or we're all at the whim of the waves bit, but, ack! it gives me the willies!
Then this solidifies my fears... (look how freaking huge it is! It could probably crush Joplin and maybe Inverness at the same time!!!)

Oh. My. Lanta!
*horrified gasp* and it's underside is showing.... EEEKKKK! Seriously, am I the only one spazing over this?!

Let me be honest. The Titanic fascinates me, but horrifies me. Maybe it the out in the middle of nowhere for miles and miles... it sounds downright hopeless and scary to me. I did a massive research paper on the Titanic in college. It was riveting for me, but I really have no desire to EVER go on a cruise. Pearl Harbor, was haunting to me... that big ship, the Arizona just feet below the surface... it was an act of God that I didn't lose my grip on the memorial site. I like to swim and I can swim, but something about a vessel that huge submerged underwater CREEPS THE HOLY HANNAH OUT OF ME.
If any of you are lucky enough to win a cruise, and are able to invite friends, you have my happy permission to pass on me. I like my feet on dry, solid land!
(This is all related to that cruise ship that tipped over by Italy recently... yes, I do keep a paranoid watch on all these occurrences!)
Friday, January 13, 2012
What's on my mind lately...
1. My heart breaks for the town of Sidney and for the family of Sherri Arnold. Not a happy ending. I have to admit when they found her shoe, I feared the worst, but hoped for the best. It gives me the chills to think that something like this happened in small town Montana. *just a little factoid for ya- I originate from this region; born in Sidney and lived in Bainville, MT till I was 4!*
2. Speaking of chills, we have a tier 3 sex offender living just a few blocks away from our home. Tier 3 means the probability of them commenting the offense again is high. I am spooked out like you have no idea. Before this week, I would not have been quite so paranoid, but after this Sherri Arnold thing, one never knows. I will be monitoring my girls and my neighbors kids very closely...
3. *on to happier things* I've recently discovered the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. He is SOOOO funny! He's been on since 2004 or 05, I think. Thanks to late nights with Taryn, I've "found" him! My DVR captures every episode, so no, I don't stay up that late every night! His hand puppet rabbit, Sid, is simply hysterical.
4. NFL PLAYOFFS!!!!!! and guess who's playing??? MY '9ERS!!! Woo-Hooooo! I have to say, I think their chances against the Saints are good. Saints offense against '9ers defense will be a barn-burner. I am really impressed with Jim Harbough and what he's accomplished this year. I am even warming up, slightly, to Alex Smith.
5. Tim Tebow. You know what, I love how people can't figure out what the hype is all about. It's pretty simple, folks. We are a country that is desperate for a hero; someone who is genuine, humble and good at what they do. Tebow embodies all of that. And the come-from-behind spirit that envelopes all of that is magnetic. Who wouldn't want that in their own life. We're all kind of living vicariously thru Tebow. From the start of his NFL career, I've said just give him a chance. The nay-sayers were abundant. It's fun to watch the majority of people eat crow.
6. Apps. I am slowly learning about you. It's been a rough ride for this techno-phobe. My Asus tablet is the coolest thing ever, but it has so much to it that I may die and not scratch the surface on what that has to offer. I've recently started a daily devotional on it, tracking my weight loss, playing piano, listen to Pandora, and have a grocery list that is in progress. I'm still struggling to get rid of my paper day planner and use the one on the tablet. Baby steps, friends... I'm getting there!

7. Aria starts full time kindergarten next week. I'm sad all over again. I wonder when she's at school how she's doing, what she's doing, if other kids are nice to her, is she using her manners... I don't know these things! It drives me crazy. I almost want to put a camera in her backpack just to see how her day is like. She comes home from school everyday with the same answer to "how was your day?" with "Fine" and "what did you do today?" with "I can't remember" (money well spent, taxpayers!). I really won't do that, cuz it's weird, but I just miss her all day. It's part of growing up and I accept that, I just don't like it! Speaking of growing up, she has her first loose tooth! Ack!

8. Taryn is rolling over, grabbing for things, laughing a lot... it's such fun to see how much they grow. But, again, FAST! I love how when I go into her room after a nap or what-have-you, she may be crying her lungs out, but when she sees me, I get the biggest, toothless, grin from her. Love it!
10. Fall continues here for now. This weather is down right balmy! It's been 40 to 50 degrees since September! And windy. Whoa the wind. They're talking winter rears it's ugly head after the weekend, and I know it's mid-January, but I'm not ready!
11. Tony's health is good for now. A CT done just a few weeks ago revealed nothing: no stones in either kidney. Our insurance provider just changed to Blue Cross Blue Shield. I'm glad to have them as I know they provide good care (we had Aria insured with them for the last 3 or 4 years), but the rates are stupid. I'd say a 3rd of Tony's check goes to insurance premiums. Obviously, he needs it, as do we or anyone for that matter, but it's getting very pricey, as I am sure most of you can agree.
12. Chai Latte via my keurig and I have been having a date every evening after the girls are in bed. It's honestly, and maybe a bit pathetically, bliss!
I had a very nice holiday, spent time with great family and friends and enjoyed hearing from many of you over the season. I am TRULY blessed with the people in my life. Here's a pic of my beautiful daughters! *a mom has to brag!*
2. Speaking of chills, we have a tier 3 sex offender living just a few blocks away from our home. Tier 3 means the probability of them commenting the offense again is high. I am spooked out like you have no idea. Before this week, I would not have been quite so paranoid, but after this Sherri Arnold thing, one never knows. I will be monitoring my girls and my neighbors kids very closely...
3. *on to happier things* I've recently discovered the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. He is SOOOO funny! He's been on since 2004 or 05, I think. Thanks to late nights with Taryn, I've "found" him! My DVR captures every episode, so no, I don't stay up that late every night! His hand puppet rabbit, Sid, is simply hysterical.
4. NFL PLAYOFFS!!!!!! and guess who's playing??? MY '9ERS!!! Woo-Hooooo! I have to say, I think their chances against the Saints are good. Saints offense against '9ers defense will be a barn-burner. I am really impressed with Jim Harbough and what he's accomplished this year. I am even warming up, slightly, to Alex Smith.
5. Tim Tebow. You know what, I love how people can't figure out what the hype is all about. It's pretty simple, folks. We are a country that is desperate for a hero; someone who is genuine, humble and good at what they do. Tebow embodies all of that. And the come-from-behind spirit that envelopes all of that is magnetic. Who wouldn't want that in their own life. We're all kind of living vicariously thru Tebow. From the start of his NFL career, I've said just give him a chance. The nay-sayers were abundant. It's fun to watch the majority of people eat crow.
6. Apps. I am slowly learning about you. It's been a rough ride for this techno-phobe. My Asus tablet is the coolest thing ever, but it has so much to it that I may die and not scratch the surface on what that has to offer. I've recently started a daily devotional on it, tracking my weight loss, playing piano, listen to Pandora, and have a grocery list that is in progress. I'm still struggling to get rid of my paper day planner and use the one on the tablet. Baby steps, friends... I'm getting there!

7. Aria starts full time kindergarten next week. I'm sad all over again. I wonder when she's at school how she's doing, what she's doing, if other kids are nice to her, is she using her manners... I don't know these things! It drives me crazy. I almost want to put a camera in her backpack just to see how her day is like. She comes home from school everyday with the same answer to "how was your day?" with "Fine" and "what did you do today?" with "I can't remember" (money well spent, taxpayers!). I really won't do that, cuz it's weird, but I just miss her all day. It's part of growing up and I accept that, I just don't like it! Speaking of growing up, she has her first loose tooth! Ack!

8. Taryn is rolling over, grabbing for things, laughing a lot... it's such fun to see how much they grow. But, again, FAST! I love how when I go into her room after a nap or what-have-you, she may be crying her lungs out, but when she sees me, I get the biggest, toothless, grin from her. Love it!
10. Fall continues here for now. This weather is down right balmy! It's been 40 to 50 degrees since September! And windy. Whoa the wind. They're talking winter rears it's ugly head after the weekend, and I know it's mid-January, but I'm not ready!
11. Tony's health is good for now. A CT done just a few weeks ago revealed nothing: no stones in either kidney. Our insurance provider just changed to Blue Cross Blue Shield. I'm glad to have them as I know they provide good care (we had Aria insured with them for the last 3 or 4 years), but the rates are stupid. I'd say a 3rd of Tony's check goes to insurance premiums. Obviously, he needs it, as do we or anyone for that matter, but it's getting very pricey, as I am sure most of you can agree.
12. Chai Latte via my keurig and I have been having a date every evening after the girls are in bed. It's honestly, and maybe a bit pathetically, bliss!
I had a very nice holiday, spent time with great family and friends and enjoyed hearing from many of you over the season. I am TRULY blessed with the people in my life. Here's a pic of my beautiful daughters! *a mom has to brag!*

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